Super Gold

We have been awarded the Super Gold medal for our Yak Blue at the Mondial du Fromage 2019 in Tours, France.

Our cheeses are inspired by French classics.
We use traditional French techniques and pioneer unique yak cheese recipes that amplify the distinctive qualities of Himalayan milk in a variety of styles. Our creations range from the soft and runny to the hard and edgy, from the delicate and floral, to the nutty and chocolatey – and they call out for their glass of wine.



All our cheeses are hand made using pasteurized milk and vegetarian rennet. Our yak and cow cheeses have already won praise from high-end international chefs and Japanese gourmets.


Yak milk is an under-recognised powerhouse of the dairy world. In Serding, we work daily from March to November, collecting yak milk from 15 herders who graze their animals between 2,500 and 5,000 meters above sea level. Our milk is organic (athough not yet certified) and has up to 13 per cent fat, as well as a high level of omega-3 fatty acids. Every day, we pasteurize that milk and transform it into lush, delicious, healthful cheese.